
๐Ÿ“œ Slime Enemy Script

This document provides a detailed guide on the Slime enemy character script written in Godot's GDScript. Learn how to add player-chasing functionality and realistic movement to your game.

๐Ÿ“œ Slime Enemy Script

๐Ÿ“Œ Overview

This document explains how to implement a Slime monster that automatically chases the player. The script includes logic for detecting the player, chasing them, and adjusting direction. It serves as a foundation for creating AI-driven enemy character movement in games.


โš™๏ธ Properties

  • Player chase: A variable that allows the Slime to detect and chase the player.
  • Speed: The speed at which the Slime moves.
  • Player: The variable representing the player being chased.

๐Ÿ“œ Function Descriptions

  • _ready(): Sets the default animation when the script is initialized. In this case, it activates the โ€œidleโ€ animation.
  • _physics_process(delta): Called every frame, and if the Slime detects the player, it moves toward them; if not, it stops. Based on the movement direction, it flips the character horizontally to create a natural visual effect.
  • _on_detection_area_body_entered(body: Node2D): When the player enters the detection area, the Slime is set to chase that player.
  • _on_detection_area_body_exited(body: Node2D): If the player leaves the detection area, the chase is stopped, and the playerโ€™s data is reset.

๐Ÿ”„ Code Flow

  1. Initialization: Sets the animation to โ€œidleโ€ state.
  2. Physics Processing: If the player is detected, the Slime moves in their direction, adjusting for horizontal flipping to create mirrored animations.
  3. Player Detection: The Slime switches to chase mode when the player enters its detection range.
  4. Detection Exit: The Slime stops chasing when the player leaves the detection range and resets.

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